March 18, 2009

Oro por pan / Gold for bread

Oro por pan

El periódico británico The Guardian publica en su verión digital este escalofriante video sobre la vida actual en Zimbabwe. Este pais del sur de África estaba entre las más ricas del continente no hace tanto tiempo. Robert Mugabe ha destruido la economía de Zimbabwe. La gente está muriendo de hambre. Muy pocos producen. El mercado es mínimo. Ya hace semanas que nadie utiliza la moneda local, cuyos billetes han llegado a tener impreso la palabra "trillón" (billones en el sistema utilizado en España). En sustitución del dólar zimbabwés, se han utilizado en el dólar americano y el euro, pero ya es difícil encontrarlos. La economía del trueque a duras penas funciona.

Finalmente, el oro parece estar abriéndose paso como medio de intercambio. Zimbabwe es rica en oro, pero su extracción es laboriosa. En cualquier caso, es el único medio disponible para la mayor parte de la población. Aún así, como se ve al principio del video, los precios se disparan: una pieza de pan por 0,1 gramos de oro. Al precio de hoy mismo del oro, suponen 2,20 euros por pieza. La demanda es enorme, la oferta muy limitada.

¿Capitalismo salvaje? El gobierno de Zimbabwe está matando a gente, la población está sufriendo hasta límites insoportables. Es hora ya de que los fundamentos de la economía se respeten. Libre mercado, dinero real, no intervencionismo. La receta es simple.

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Gold for bread

The Guardian publishes in its online version this horrifying video about current situation in Zimbabwe, one of the richest countries in Africa not long time ago. Robert Mugabe has destroyed Zimbabwe's economy. People are starving. Production is too low, market is shrinking. Nobody uses the local currency since a few weeks ago. Banknotes once reached trillions. US Dollar and Euro have served as substitutes, but just a few possess foreign currencies. Barter economy is hardly working.

Finally, it seems that gold is being accepted as a medium of exchange. There are plenty of gold in Zimbabwe, but its production is complex in a massive scale. Nevertheless, for most of the population it is the only way for surviving. Even though, as seen at the video, prices are skyrocketing: A loaf of bread for 0.1 gold grams. At today's gold prices, it is as much as 2,80 US$ per loaf. Demand is huge, offer is scarce.

Wild capitalism? Not really, Zimbabwe's government is actually killing people, population is suffering up to unbearable levels. It is time for return to fundamentals of economy. Free market, sound money, no intervention The recipe is simple.

Please click on this link


grace | March 20, 2009 at 4:27 PM  

I feel very pity for the current situation of Zimbabwe, mostly feel sad for the girl who was so afraid for returning home to face her grandfather. There are many tragedies happening in the world. We cannot expect a miracle, but the government could do something. It seems is the only way that we still can count on it. Unfortunately, they have been failing to us over and over again. I don’t know when will they stop for doing things just for getting the votes, but really do something useful for the people. Cross our finger, and wait for it.

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